Oud exercise on maqam FarahFaza – تمرين عود على مقام فرحفزا

Oud exercise on Maqam Farahfaza (similar to G minor) taken from George Farah’s book for Oud. Transcribed and performed on Oud by Wassim Njeim.

تمرين عود على مقام فرحفزا

Tempo: 72bpm
Upstrokes and Downstrokes shown, as well as the fingering numbers on the neck.


Oud exercise on Triplets – تمرين عود على التريولة (Triolet)

Oud (‘Ud) exercise on triplets taken from George Farah’s book for Oud. This exercise is not for absolute beginners.

Transcribed and performed on Oud by Wassim Njeim.
درس عود
تمرين عود على التريولة (Triolet)

Tempo: 66bpm
Upstrokes and Downstrokes shown, as well as the fingering numbers on the neck.

Learn Oud. Visit us at wassim.net for information on Oud lessons in Montreal